Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 3, 2024

Mimici Women’s Wilderness Club Dillas Before Dudes Shirt

Buy this shirt:  Mimici Women’s Wilderness Club Dillas Before Dudes Shirt

“Obviously you write this song from a personal perspective, but being surrounded by these women on set was absolutely incredible,” she said of the video shoot. “It was amazing to feel the energy and power emanating from each of them.” The powerful music video was directed by Derich Hartfeil and also features several Kellogg’s The women who play a special role in Kellogg’s life include her 6-year-old daughter, Harlow. “I want Harlow and all my kids” (Kellogg is also the mother of two sons, Hudson, 14, and Kayden, 16) “to understand that becoming a mother doesn’t mean you have to give up your Dreams.” Kellogg reflected. “Like Jennifer Lopez told me years ago on American Idol, they’re better off because they can see the things you love deeply about yourself. And struggle. I come home from the show and my cup is full. I can be a better mother.” Britnee Kellogg Addresses Mom in New Heartfelt Song “Hey Mama” A belated tribute – featuring her daughter!

Mimici Women's Wilderness Club Dillas Before Dudes Shirt

Kellogg’s mother, Diane Dunning, also joined her in the video and expressed the meaning behind the song “She’s Come a Long Way.” “My mom was a single mom and she worked several jobs to make ends meet,” Kellogg said. “We didn’t know it at the time, but she would pay the bills and only have $60 left to buy groceries for her three kids for the week. So to be able to stand by her side was a happy ending for me, and she was my Someone who I admire so much, she really gave me the work ethic and fighting for my dreams at a young age.” Those dreams seemed to be coming true for Kellogg, who found herself on her way to country music stardom. “There are a lot of artists in this country music space. Young artists in the popular country genre,” said Kellogg, who will once again work with Autumn McEntire as co-producer on her upcoming album, She’s Come a Long Way.

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